Peace of Mind with the Ollie Swaddle

Ollie Swaddle | Coconut and Rain

If you’ve followed my blog for long you’ve heard me mention swaddling as a technique for comforting my colicky babies. It truly is one of the most helpful things for calming a crying baby!

Ollie Swaddle | Coconut and Rain

Here’s why the Ollie Swaddle gives me peace of mind:

1. It secures just below the shoulders and stays put. I don’t have to worry about Holden wiggling around and getting fabric up by his face, which is a suffocation risk.

2. It can be used with arms in or out. Not only does this make it versatile, but it also means the Swaddle can grow with your little one when he or she starts to roll over and needs arms out in order to safely reposition the body.

3. The fabric is thin and flexible, and made of special moisture-wicking material designed to prevent baby from overheating. This is a big deal to me. We have a difficult time regulating the temperatures on the second floor of our home (where the bedrooms are) and Holden in particular tends to run really warm. With other swaddles, I often find him sweaty which is a huge safety concern with infants. I definitely notice a difference when we put him in the Ollie Swaddle.

Ollie Swaddle | Coconut and Rain

In addition to these important safety features, there are other things that I just really like about it.

1. I love that it is a one size forever Swaddle. We have so many swaddles that the boys quickly grew out of, and it just feels like a lot of money spent for short term use. The size-flexibility of the Ollie makes it an investment worth making!

2. It’s SO easy to put on. And also easy to do a diaper change without taking it completely off in the middle of the night, which I appreciate since I don’t want to rouse my sleepy boy if I can help it.

3. It comes with a laundry bag. If you’ve washed swaddles before, you’ve probably experienced the frustrating moment when the velcro has adhered to one of your other garments and ruined it when being pulled off. This drives me crazy! The little laundry bag preserves your swaddle AND your other items.

4. My little ones were (Lincoln) and are (Holden) experts at breaking out of their swaddles. The Swaddle Me Velcro ones literally take seconds for them to escape from. The Ollie Swaddle really seems to stay put, despite their energizer-bunny powered wiggles.

Ollie Swaddle | Coconut and Rain

Yes, we do have other swaddles that we use and like. But when it comes to safety and setting my mind at ease, the Ollie Swaddle is absolutely my favorite.  Based on Holden's reaction to it, I think it's safe to say it's his favorite, too.  He does not particularly enjoy being swaddled and when I put him in most other swaddles he quickly becomes frustrated. You can see, however, by his great big smile that he actually seems quite comfortable in the Ollie Swaddle! The only downside to this product is that it is more costly than your typical swaddle. However, considering that it grows with your child and you don’t have to buy new ones in various sizes, I think the higher price tag is more than worth it.

Ollie Swaddle | Coconut and Rain

I received an Ollie Swaddle in exchange for my honest review of the product. I was not compensated in any other way for this review - all of the words and opinions here are my own!