Is baby a BROTHER or a SISTER?


I have so many fond memories growing up with my brother.  Before he was born and before we knew his gender, I drew a picture of the brother I wanted.  My brave parents even let me give him his middle name!  I remember relatively clearly (for a four year old) being in a pizza parlor and hearing a mother yelling for her son across the restaurant, "Joshua! It's time to go!" Joshua must have spent a little too much time in the arcade or something.  And with that, my brother R.J. got his second initial. I remember endless games of tag and tickle, digging for hours in the dirt in our backyard, and standing at the counter on a chair together while we baked cookies with my grandma.  We each had our own garden growing up, complete with a little sign that said "Janet's Garden" and "RJ's Garden."  I helped him pick his blueberries, and he helped me pull my carrots.

Honestly, we were a pretty good team growing up.  Maybe the four and a half year age difference helped, but we didn't really ever fight or argue.  We were best buds as kids, and we have continued to be great friends through adulthood.  We even shared a two-bedroom apartment in college!

I knew after the challenges that we faced bringing Lincoln into the world, that I may not be able to have more children. My heart so desired to give him a buddy to grow up with.  Someone he could learn from.  Someone to play in the garden with.  Someone to tell innocent childhood secrets to, laugh with, and love like only siblings do.  I'm overwhelmed with gratefulness that my BOYS will have this opportunity.  That's right - Lincoln is getting a baby brother!

I can't help but wonder how my precious boys will be similar, how they'll be different.  I hope that they will grow up challenging each other and encouraging each other.  That they'll support each other in their individual goals and through hardships.  But mostly I just pray that they'll love each other unconditionally, the way we love both of them.

Baby boy, we are so, so excited to meet you!

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